February 04, 2005

Hey guys, it's on me

Yesterday we went to our usual restaurant. I invited a friend of mine to experience "Senegalese cuisine" in a "Senegalese setting". There were 5 of us and we ordered 5 meals, one bottle of water and 5 teas.

When it came time to pay, I exclamed (with a false modesty) "Don't worry guys, it's on me" (for the savy readers out there, this was not an act of selflessness but rather that I needed change for my rather heavy bill). Everyone fussed and grumbled (making the obligatory no-you-really-shouldn't comment).

I paid a grand total of...brace yourselves here....US $11.

Ah, if only your morning Starbucks Mocciatto Late with skim/soy synthetic milk and equal sugar could be that cheap. Hummmm, Mocciattos.

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